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Host Bot 24/7

You have the Option to host your Bot on your own Home Server, on a Monthly Payed Rootserver/VPS or a special Bot Hosting.
Here, we will go through all these ways!

Host on Rootserver/VPS with Root Access (LINUX)

  1. Log into your Rootserver/VPS using a Root Account, then start by Installing Node.JS (If not installed already).

    curl | bash
    source ~/.bashrc
    nvm install v22
  2. Create a new Folder for your Bot and navigate into it. It's recommend that you use a Folder like /home for your Bot

    cd /home # To get into the Home Directory
    mkdir MySpecialBot # To create a new Folder
    cd MySpecialBot # To navigate into the Folder
  3. Upload your Bot Files into the Folder you just created.

    • Use a (S)FTP Client of your choice to upload the Files, for example WinSCP or FileZilla work great.
    • Create a New Connection with the IP/Domain of your Server, Username(root) and Password.
    • Navigate to the Folder you just created and Drag-and-Drop the Files into it.
      Here is a list of things you need to Upload, leave everything else away. NOTE: Upload the Full Blocks Folder!
      ├── blocks/  
      │   ├── block1.js  
      │   ├── block2.js  
      │   └── etc...  
      ├── data/  
      │   ├── data.json  
      │   ├── INTENTS.txt  
      │   ├── token.txt  
      │   └── workspaces.json  
      ├── bot.js  
      └── package.json  
  4. Run the Bot using the following Command:

    node bot.js
    This will start the Bot and you should see the Bot Online in your Discord Server.
  5. Optional, to run the Bot 24/7, using Screen

    screen -S BotName node bot.js
    This will start the Bot in a Screen Session, to detach from the Screen use CTRL+A and then CTRL+D. To reattach use screen -x BotName.

Host on a Bot Hosting Service (Pterodactyl)

You should find your Server on the Dashboard looking like this:

Now you have two Options on how to Upload your Files:

ZIP-File Way

Note: Supports .rar & .tar.gz
- Create a Zip File including the files of your Project.
├── blocks/  
│   ├── block1.js  
│   ├── block2.js  
│   └── etc...  
├── data/  
│   ├── data.json  
│   ├── INTENTS.txt  
│   ├── token.txt  
│   └── workspaces.json  
├── bot.js  
└── package.json  
- Upload the File to the Server in the "Files" Tab of the Panel Dashboard Website
- Next to the ZIP File click the 3 Points, and there press "Unarchive"
- Delete the ZIP once finished (OPTIONAL)


Note: Requires WinSCP to be Installed
- On Your Server, go to "Settings"
- There click on "Launch SFTP"
- Then a Window Pops-Up asking you for a password, enter your Dashboard Account Password and click "OK"
- Once connected, Upload your Bot Files to the "/" Directory of the Server.