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Slash Commands

This Section will explain how to Create, Setup and Use Slash Commands.

Create Commands

First go to the Slash Commands Builder and Create a command of your Choice.
In this example we will create a Kick and Timeout Command:

Copy Command Code

After you built your Command, you click View Code CMD1

Import that Command into your Workspace using Register Slash Commands Block.

Add Command to DBB


  • You can add multiple Commands by using , to split the commands


Handle The Command Interaction

Kick Command

First we Build the Kick Command Handler. For that we use the Interaction Event Block. Next we use the Get Interaction Argument by Name to get the Member and Reason. Next we use the Kick Member Block and connect everything. Optionally you can use the Merge Texts [Advanced] Block to add the Mention of the Mmeber to a Message, you can reply to the Interaction using Reply to Interaction. Command1Handler

Timeout Command

Next we will build the Timeout Command Handler. For that we again use the Interaction Event Block. Next again use the Get Interaction Argument by Name Block to get the Member and the Time Number in Minutes. After that we use the Timeout Member Block and add the Rest of the Optional Stuff if needed. Command2Handler

Testing the Finished Product

After you start your Bot the Command(s) should be available in Discord! StartImage


Subcommands are not much different from natural Slash Commands and even work the same way...
There are just some changes to the normal way.

Building a Slash Subcommand

On the Slash Commands Builder you can first setup a main command Name and then for the Argument Type there are two options... Either you select Subcommand Group, which allows to setup multiple Subcommands within that group. Or you select Subcommand and you can have just a simple subcommand or multiple subcommands for that one command...
In this example we are going to create a Subcommand Group with 2 Subcommands and a Subcommand.


This Example includes a Echo Command(Which Repeats the Users Specified Text) and a messages Subcommand Group, with a delete_amount Subcommand and del_msg Subcommand.
Both Commands will have different functions within one main Command called tools.

After you are done building the Command, you can click View Code and Copy the JSON like above.

The Command Code
    "name": "tools",
    "description": "Manage Bot Tools",
    "options": [
            "type": 2,
            "name": "messages",
            "description": "Manage the Messages",
            "options": [
                    "type": 1,
                    "name": "delete_amount",
                    "description": "Delete a Amount of Messages",
                    "options": [
                            "type": 10,
                            "name": "amount",
                            "description": "The Amount of Messages to Delete",
                            "required": true
                    "type": 1,
                    "name": "del_msg",
                    "description": "Delete a Specifc Message by ID",
                    "options": [
                            "type": 3,
                            "name": "msgid",
                            "description": "The Messages ID you want to delete",
                            "required": true
            "type": 1,
            "name": "echo",
            "description": "Let the bot repeat a Message",
            "options": [
                    "type": 3,
                    "name": "msg",
                    "description": "The Message you want the bot to say",
                    "required": true

After that you paste it into your Register Slash Commands Block and then we continue with...

Managing Subcommands in DBB

Subcommands are quite similar like Normal Slashcommands but need some special treatments.

Special Subcommand Treatment

As you can see it looks really complicated at first glance, but if you ignore all connections it's pretty understandable. First we start with a Interaction [Event] Block and then use Check if Value Exists to detect if a Subcommand Group was used or not(This is not required if not using Subcommand Groups)...

If True, we check the Subcommand using Switch (conditional)(As the Input you set Subcommand Name from the Interaction Event), the rest after that can be customized to your liking.

If False, we make the same check, in this case there is only one subcommand in the Main command, so we Just use the same stuff we would use in a normal Slash Command.

I hope this explained Subcommands a bit, it may be hard at first but you'll get into it... Ask around for help on the DBB Discord if you encounter issues.