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Select MenusΒΆ

This Section will explain how to create and use Select Menus.

String Select Menu

A String Select Menu, is the default Menu that can have anything selectable with Text, emojis and a Description.
Here is a Example for a Select Menu!

Creating the Select Menu

This will create 3 Select Menu Options and each item gets added to a list that needs to be created extra.
The List then gets connected to the Create Menu Block.

Create a Select Menu

Reacting to the Select Menu

The Select Menu uses the Interaction Event when used.
The Options Output returns the Selected Option Custom ID as a List, which can be gotten using the get item from list.
Then using the Switch (Conditional) you can make each Selected item do something else. In this Example Replying some Text!

React to Select Menu

Testing in Discord

After you run your Bot you should be able to see your Menu using the Command of your choice. Once you select something, the bot should return a Message or whatever you set!

Testing in Discord

User Select Menu

The User Select Menu is, again, much easier then the String Select Menu.
You just need one Block to create it!

Creating the Select Menu

Use a Command, then create your Select Menu, then send that Menu. It can't get any simpler than that!

User Select Menu

Reacting to the Select Menu

Then use the Interaction Event, in Combination with Get Item from List to get the User.
Then Get the Information you need about the User and Reply back to the Interaction.

React to Select Menu

Testing in Discord

After you run your Bot, just use the Command and Interact with the Select Menu, then it should work...
