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Update 8

New Block Storage Launch

I am Happy to announce that we now have a New Block Storage!
This new Block Storage allows your to Easily Upload, Manage and Share your Block Creations.
I worked pretty Long on this New Creation and Hope you all enjoy it!

Update 7

New Slash Command Builder

The Slash Command JSON Builder was remade by me (@XCraftTM) and it now available to use!

Update 6

Big Overhaul of the Documentation

I have overhauled the hosting of the Images for the Documentations And also we now have a new Slash Commands Documentation, now including the User-Installable Commands.

Update 5

Buttons Page Update

I have taken the time to Update the Buttons Page to use the newest Blocks instead of the old ones Also i got rid of the Prefix Commands, since they suck anyways.

Update 4

Docs Overhaul

XCraftTM and Myself have been working on a major overhaul across the entire site, improving the layout and readabilty, hopefully making your experience more enjoyable.

Update 3

Troubleshooting Page Overhaul

We have got a new Troubleshooting Page! Today i got some time to change the trobuleshooting tips to be in a clickable container.

Update 2


Today i am releasing a new Page including some basic actions that some people might not know about.
The Page will be expanded the more Stuff i find that people don't know about.

Update 1

The Docs get better each time i touch them, actually really great!

You can read more about the Changes that i made to the Docs
by clicking on the Continue Reading Button at the Bottom of the Post

First Blog Post!

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You can always Contribute to here incase you didn't know, you can DM me using xcrafttm.